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New posts in sql-server-data-tools

Publish data with SSDT?


Build SQL Server Data Tools (for Visual Studio 2013) project on build server without Visual Studio

How can I conditionally include large scripts in my ssdt post deployment script?

SqlPackage.exe Extract data and schema validation

Schema for CLR Stored Procedure During Deployment

DacServices.Deploy to SQL Server LocalDB 2016 failing - unable to connect

SQL71561 error - ambiguous reference

SSDT - Ignoring partition function changes

Visual Studio 2013 SSDT - Edit data - IS NULL not work as filter

TFS Build Server fails with Reporting Services project

SQL 71501 has an unresolved assembly reference

Visual Studio 2015 SQL Server Data Tools missing "Add Table" option

Install SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 community fails on recursion too deep

SSDT Installation for VS2017 Team Explorer Fails

How to run different pre and post SSDT pubish scripts depending on the deploy profile

VS 2013 Database Project: Post-Deployment scripts to run based off of build configuration

Cannot debug script tasks when running under the 64 bit version of the Integration Services runtime

SSIS: Flat File default length

Visual Studio 2012 SQL Database Project with SSDT

SSDT unresolved reference ERROR SQL71561