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SqlPackage.exe Extract data and schema validation

Having installed Sql Server Data Tools, I am attempting to use SqlPackage.exe from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\DAC\bin\

I'd like to "extract" schema and data. This is so I can migrate to a new Server that does not have any existing database - I want the schema and data to be included in that migration. This is just a spin up / throwaway environment.

The existing databases aren't great in that they have cross database references. The database I want to export has multiple references to another database named "audit". Triggers are involved - hopefully you get the picture.

Having read the docs, I tried this command:

.\sqlpackage.exe /Action:Export /SourceDatabaseName:"MyDb" /SourceServerName:foo\bar /TargetFile:"C:\temp\mydb.bacpac"

However this resulted in many of the following errors:

Error SQL71562: Error validating element [dbo].[foo_u]: Trigge
r: [dbo].[foo_u] has an unresolved reference to object [Audit].[dbo].[Foo].[FooId]. External references are not supported when creating a package from this platform.

I tried specifying /p:VerifyExtraction=false but this resulted in:

.\sqlpackage : *** 'VerifyExtraction' is not a valid argument for the 'Export' action.

So now I am thinking wow this must just not be supported. However in VS2017, when I went to SQL server explorer, I can "Extract data tier application" and choose options for "Extract schema and data" for all tables. This runs fine and produces a "foo.dacpac" file - the UI provides an option for "verify extraction" which I leave unchecked.

Now I am doubly confused because I thought dacpac files contain schema only, and bacpac files were for schema plus data - yet when extracting a data tier application "with data" via visual studio it produces a dacpac file. Does this mean I need to be using the "Extract" action rather than the "Export" action of SqlPackage.exe?

Can anyone offer any guidance on this?

like image 481
Darrell Avatar asked Apr 17 '18 13:04


People also ask

What is SqlPackage EXE?

SqlPackage.exe is a command-line utility that automates the following database development tasks by exposing some of the public Data-Tier Application Framework (DacFx) APIs: Version: Returns the build number of the SqlPackage application. Added in version 18.6. Extract: Creates a data-tier application (.

Can a Dacpac include data?

It is to be noted that DACPAC does not contain DATA and other server-level objects. The file can contains all object types which might be kept in SSDT project.

What is Bacpac and Dacpac?

BACPAC exists to support the import and export of data because the data must match the database schema, the DACPAC includes both. DACPAC also supports versioning. This helps the developer and the DBA maintain and manage the database history. It's always possible to go back to an older DACPAC to reset the schema.

1 Answers

This is what I have discovered.

To extract schema plus data, you need to use /Action:Extract NOT /Action:Export.

"Export" produces a bacpac file containing data. This will fall over in case of objects in the source database (triggers, sprocs etc) having external references. Seemingly no way to workaround this.

"Extract" produces a dacpac file, and has the option to also include data, and also you can disable the validation (disabled by default) so you can work around the fact that you have references to external objects.

It seems that Export has been neglected in terms of it's capability, and Extract is more flexible.

This was very confusing.

like image 76
Darrell Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 09:11
