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New posts in sql-server-2008-r2

operator NOT does not invert the result of a NULL comparison

SQL Find the first non null value with arbitrary order by

Keep getting 'cursor is READ-ONLY'

SQL: How can I make sure all SELECT Cases are represented even if not all are executed?

SQL table - Insert and Deletes time out, select OK

Executing remote procedure with user-defined table type variable parameter

T-SQL Multiple grouping

fetch most recent non null record

Understand Unicode and code pages in SQL Server collations

append currency symbol to result of sql query

Why is this sql script so slow and how to make it lightning fast?

Select Most Recent Entry in SQL

SQL Server Service is empty and Server Name can't be found

How do I process an individual cube partition

ssas sql-server-2008-r2

Get IDENTITY value in the same T-SQL statement it is created in?

Only return rows when all are true

SQL - Remove duplicates to show the latest date record

sql tsql sql-server-2008-r2

SQL inner join two tables from separate databases and update one of them

Attaching an MDF file without LDF file

Unable to log in to server in SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio