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New posts in sql-server-2008-r2

How can I enforce uniqueness on a NVARCHAR(MAX) column in SQL Server?

How can I improve this SQL query?

Biztalk not tracking send/receive ports

Computed Column with Current DateTime?

Removed database out of connection string

Remove auto appearing BEGIN TRAN and ROLLBACK in SQL Server 2008 R2

Is there any way to overcome parameter sniffing in SQL Server?

SQL 2008 R2 - Time-Based Triggers?

Find a specific column entry in an unknown table in a database?

Are table variables thread safe on sql server 2008 r2?

In SQL, how do I convert a date field into a string if null?

How to get the name of a the student who got max marks in each subject?

SQL query to select million records quickly

Convert string to date in specific format

What is a non-clustered index scan

Best way to store quarter and year in SQL Server?

Why do people use RaiseError instead of Print in T-SQL

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Fill In The Date Gaps With Date Table

ssrs 2008 passing a parameter list to a subreport

Get average value per day/hour without Group By

sql tsql sql-server-2008-r2