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Fill In The Date Gaps With Date Table

I have two tables.

An orders table with customer, and date. A date dimension table from a data warehouse.

The orders table does not contain activity for every date in a given month, but I need to return a result set that fills in the gaps with date and customer.

For Example, I need this:

Customer   Date
Cust1       1/15/2012   
Cust1       1/18/2012
Cust2       1/5/2012
Cust2       1/8/2012

To look like this:

Customer   Date
Cust1       1/15/2012   
Cust1       1/16/2012   
Cust1       1/17/2012       
Cust1       1/18/2012
Cust2       1/5/2012
Cust2       1/6/2012
Cust2       1/7/2012
Cust2       1/8/2012

This seems like a left outer join, but it is not returning the expected results. Here is what I am using, but this is not returning every date from the date table as expected.

SELECT o.customer, 
FROM   datetable d 
       LEFT OUTER JOIN orders o 
                    ON d.fulldate = o.orderdate 
WHERE  d.calendaryear IN ( 2012 ); 
like image 825
user1134307 Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 14:12


2 Answers

The problem is that you need all customers for all dates. When you do the left outer join, you are getting NULL for the customer field.

The following sets up a driver table by cross joining the customer names and dates:

SELECT driver.customer, driver.fulldate, o.amount 
FROM   (select d.fulldate, customer
        from datetable d cross join
             (select customer
              from orders
              where year(orderdate) in (2012)
             ) o
        where d.calendaryear IN ( 2012 )
       ) driver LEFT OUTER JOIN
       orders o 
       ON driver.fulldate = o.orderdate and
          driver.customer = o.customer;

Note that this version assumes that calendaryear is the same as year(orderdate).

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Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 02:12

Gordon Linoff

You can use recursive CTE to get all dates between two dates without need for datetable:

    SELECT Customer, MIN(DATE) AS MinDate, MAX(DATE) AS MaxDate
    FROM dbo.orders
    GROUP BY Customer
,CTE_Dates AS
    SELECT Customer, MinDate AS Date
    FROM CTE_MinMax
    SELECT c.Customer, DATEADD(DD,1,Date) FROM CTE_Dates c
    INNER JOIN CTE_MinMax mm ON c.Customer = mm.Customer
    WHERE DATEADD(DD,1,Date) <= mm.MaxDate
SELECT c.* , COALESCE(o.Amount, 0)
FROM CTE_Dates c
LEFT JOIN Orders o ON c.Customer = o.Customer AND c.Date = o.Date
ORDER BY Customer, Date


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Nenad Zivkovic Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 03:12

Nenad Zivkovic