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New posts in greatest-n-per-group

SQL Select two max rows from same table and joining with third table

Left Join with Group By

List messages ordered by conversations for all users

Adding (SELECTING) two more other columns to this resultset

How do I use MySQL Joins to select forum boards that users are allowed to read?

MYSQL returning the max value per group

SQL Select the most recent record for each ID

TOP 1 Query from each ID with multiple instances

SQLITE equivalent of ROW_NUMBER

Oracle subquery top 1 result

MySQL select top X records for each individual in table

select rows satisfying some criteria and with maximum value in a certain column

Select Most Recent Entry in SQL

How to efficiently get the last timestamp per asset without sequential scan on timescaledb?

Limit number of rows per group from join (NOT to 1 row)

Grouping query into group and subgroup

How can i select only id of min created date in each group [duplicate]

Proper way to access latest row for each individual identifier?

Select only the most recent value for each identifier in a table

MySQL SELECT most frequent by group