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New posts in greatest-n-per-group

How to make LEFT JOIN with row having max date?

MYSQL shows incorrect rows when using GROUP BY

Select one row with distinct value of one column

Getting top 10 by group MySQL [duplicate]

MySQL Within-group aggregates with no sub-queries - suggested test data updated

LIMIT 1 inside JOIN from specific tables in MySQL?

PostgreSQL query including WITH subquery

How to get second highest Salary of Account Department?

MySQL Query Design for Latest Post per Forum

Limitations of GROUP BY

High performance approach to greatest-n-per-group SQL query

How to write"greatest n per group" type query, but with additional conditions?

PostgreSQL error: subquery must return only one column

How to solve the greatest-n-per-group problem with Entity Framework (Core)?

Select exactly one row for each employee using unordered field as criteria

How to get maximum row of each group?

one-to-many query selecting all parents and single top child for each parent

How to select the first N rows of each group?

How to select the most recent set of dated records from a mysql table