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New posts in sql-server-2005

In Memory OleDbConnection to Excel File

.net sql sql-server-2005 excel

How does the Entity Framework handle SQL Server Schemas?

Cannot use the ROLLBACK statement within an INSERT-EXEC statement [duplicate]

sql sql-server-2005

How do I map true/false/unknown to -1/0/null without repetition?

What is the best way to store byte array in SQL database using NHibernate?

Retaining NULLs in numerical columns using SSIS Import/Export Wizard? [duplicate]

Randomly assign work location and each location should not exceed the number of designated employees

Using indexes with NVarchar(50) vs. NVarchar(255) column?

Best Practice for Database Encryption in SQL Server 2005

Checking for time range overlap, the watchman problem [SQL]

Openquery works much faster than a query straight to a linked table

Paginated query using sorting on different columns using ROW_NUMBER() OVER () in SQL Server 2005

SQL Server data types equivalent to Oracle?

Split a string into individual characters in Sql Server 2005


Optimization for Date Correlation doesn’t change plan

SQL Server Performance: derived table vs. common table expression (CTE)

SET OPTIONS....where are they stored

Storing XSLT in SQL Server 2005 with xml type?

How to find what Stored Procedures are using what indexes?

How to find N Consecutive records in a table using SQL

sql-server-2005 sql