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Spring Cloud - Registry Service port customization

spring-cloud-starter-eureka is not resolving when i use Finchley.M5

spring-boot spring-cloud

Prevent spring-cloud-aws-messaging from trying to stop the queue

Eureka: How do I disable/configure peer replication?

Springboot client unable register with Eureka using Docker container id

What is the purpose of using Spring cloud? What is the difference between AWS and Springcloud?

Get request body string from ServerHttpRequest / Flux<DataBuffer>

Spring Cloud Gateway or Zuul2, Which one is the right replacement for Zuul1?

Spring Gateway Request blocked by CORS (No Acces0Control-Allow-Orgin header)

Spring Cloud Gateway inject header

Changing default port of eureka server using spring cloud

Unable to connect to Command Metric Stream for Hystrix Dashboard with Spring Cloud

springboot could not found feignclient

Request 'OPTIONS /logout' doesn't match 'POST /logout

How to exclude RequestInterceptor for an specific Spring Cloud Feign client?

Spring OAuth: Resource Server with Authorization Server backend

Spring Cloud Security JWT: Distribute Public Key using Config Server / Key Rotation

Spring Cloud microservices memory usage

What does @enablesns @enablesqs annotations do (spring cloud aws)?

Spring Boot API Gateway Unable to resolve name