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Get request body string from ServerHttpRequest / Flux<DataBuffer>

I am using spring boot version - 2.0.6.RELEASE and spring cloud version - Finchley.SR2

and i have created my custom gateway filter to modify the request body.

but while converting the request body to string using Flux i am getting a empty string. i need a method to get the string corresponding to my request body.

public Mono filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, GatewayFilterChain chain) {
    ServerHttpRequest request = (ServerHttpRequest) exchange.getRequest();
    String s = resolveBodyFromRequest(request);
     /* s comes out to be "" */
    return chain.filter(newExchange);


private String resolveBodyFromRequest(ServerHttpRequest serverHttpRequest){
    //Get the request body
    Flux<DataBuffer> body = serverHttpRequest.getBody();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    body.subscribe(buffer -> {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.readableByteCount()];
        String bodyString = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    return sb.toString();

like image 688
bhavishya singh Avatar asked Aug 19 '19 19:08

bhavishya singh

2 Answers

You could use the ModifyRequestBodyGatewayFilterFactory which I believe is included in Spring Cloud Gateway 2.0.2 which is part of Finchley.

For Ex:

public GatewayFilter apply(Config config) {
   return (exchange, chain) -> {
        ModifyRequestBodyGatewayFilterFactory.Config modifyRequestConfig = new ModifyRequestBodyGatewayFilterFactory.Config()
                .setRewriteFunction(String.class, String.class, (exchange1, originalRequestBody) -> {
                    String modifiedRequestBody = yourMethodToModifyRequestBody(originalRequestBody);
                    return Mono.just(modifiedRequestBody);

        return new ModifyRequestBodyGatewayFilterFactory().apply(modifyRequestConfig).filter(exchange, chain);
like image 111
Fabian Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09


This is another approach work in spring cloud gateway 2.2.5, we will use ReadBodyPredicateFactory, as this will cache requestBody to ServerWebExchange with attribute key cachedRequestBodyObject

create always true Predicate

public class TestRequestBody implements Predicate
    public boolean test(Object o)
        return true;

in application.yml, add Predicate

            - name: ReadBodyPredicateFactory
                inClass: "#{T(String)}" 
                predicate: "#{@testRequestBody}"

in your own filter, get requestBody like below:

    public GatewayFilter apply(Object config)
        return (exchange, chain) -> {

            String requestBody = exchange.getAttribute("cachedRequestBodyObject");

like image 27
tony.hokan Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 12:09
