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Unable to connect to Command Metric Stream for Hystrix Dashboard with Spring Cloud

I have microservices project with Spring Cloud, the snippet from parent:



All services are running under Eureka server:

enter image description here

All services are running fine. I can call make appropriate calls with Postman and everything works fine.

I have separate service which handles Hystrix dashboard, a snippet from pom:




Configuration main class:

public class DashboardApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(DashboardApp.class, args);

and config yaml file:

    name: Dashboard

  port: 8000

    fetchRegistry: true
    registerWithEureka: false
      defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka

I have next dashboard looking:

enter image description here

Full stack trace from the console is here. Following is some snippet:

2018-04-12 11:28:25.089 ERROR 15762 --- [qtp295055909-16] ashboardConfiguration$ProxyStreamServlet : Error proxying request: http://localhost:8082/hystrix.stream
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.eclipse.jetty.io.EofException
    at org.springframework.cloud.netflix.hystrix.dashboard.HystrixDashboardConfiguration$ProxyStreamServlet.doGet(HystrixDashboardConfiguration.java:208)
Caused by: org.eclipse.jetty.io.EofException: null
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Broken pipe

Service itself is accessible with spring actuator:

enter image description here

snippet from it's pom:




Config class looks:

public class TableApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(TableApp.class, args);

How to solve this issue?

like image 896
catch23 Avatar asked Apr 12 '18 09:04


People also ask

How do I enable hystrix dashboard in spring boot?

To enable Hystrix dashboard, we only have to annotate our spring boot main class with @EnableHystrixDashboard . Following is the dependency information of Hystrix project. The Hystrix dashboard is avialable at http://localhost:9090/hystrix for client-service instance in our case.

Is hystrix still supported?

In SpringOne 2019, Spring announced that Hystrix Dashboard will be removed from Spring Cloud 3.1 version which makes it officially dead. As the Circuit Breaker pattern has been advertised so heavily, many developers have either used it or want to use it, and now need a replacement.

4 Answers

For those who are using spring boot 2, the hystrix.stream endpoint has been moved to /actuator/hystrix.stream.

For me this url worked:


And yes, have this actuator endpoint enabled via following property:


Of course you must have the actutator dependency included in your project.

like image 122
Shanu Gupta Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10

Shanu Gupta

I was able to solve this issue for the spring-boot-starter-parent version 2.0.7.RELEASE and spring-cloud-dependencies version Finchley.SR2 by adding below two properties in the application.properties.


enter image description here

like image 33
Jeff Cook Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Jeff Cook

Hystrix dashboard itself can't be used for monitoring several instances at once. The thing that you need is turbine+dashboard. In a couple of words turbine is an aggregator for several hystrix metrics streams.

Configuration of instance:

        include: hystrix.stream, info, health

    name: WRITING
      defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka

The important thing here is to expose hystix.stream actuator. This endpoint will be used by the turbine to read metrics. Also, do not forget to add actuators starter.


If you did everything correctly http://localhost:8080/actuator/hystrix.stream endpoint should become available.

Turbine config will look like:

      port: 8888

    name: TURBINE

    registerWithEureka: true
    fetchRegistry: true
      defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/

  clusterNameExpression: new String('default')

In appConfig, you should specify service names for monitoring.

After starting turbine localhost:8888/turbine.stream will be available.

You can pass this URL to the dashboard and monitor all data aggregated for hystrix commands of discovered instances.

Github project example.

p.s. Dependencies that you have used are deprecated. Please check maven repo

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Ivan Lymar Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10

Ivan Lymar

Finally, I found the solution.

Problem was that Controller API has to be market by HystrixCommand annotation.

Snippet from a documentation:

Turbine AMQP by Spring Cloud offers a different model where each
application instance pushes the metrics from Hystrix commands to
Turbine through a central AMQP broker.

I added it without any parameters to all Controller's methods, like following:

public class GuestController {
    private DinnerService dinnerService;

    public Integer startDinner(@RequestBody List<Integer> menuItems) {
        return dinnerService.startDinner(menuItems);

    public void finishDinner(@PathVariable Integer tableId) {

And now all works like charming:

enter image description here

Now I understand that I was so close to it.

like image 24
catch23 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
