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How to exclude RequestInterceptor for an specific Spring Cloud Feign client?

I have a number of clients for which a "global" RequestInterceptor has been defined. For one of the clients I need this "global" interceptor to be excluded. Is it possible to override the full set of RequestInterceptors for a particular FeignClient?

@FeignClient(value = "foo", configuration = FooClientConfig.class)
public interface FooClient {

public class FooClientConfig{

//How do I exclude global interceptors from this client configuration?

The spring-cloud-netflix version in use is 1.1.0 M5

like image 686
Newbie Avatar asked Mar 15 '16 18:03


1 Answers

It seems there is no easy way to override the global interceptor. I think you could do it like this:

public class FooClientConfig{

RequestInterceptor globalRequestInterceptor() {
    return template -> {
        if (template.url().equals("/your_specific_url")) {
            //don't add global header for the specific url

        //add header for the rest of requests
        template.header(AUTHORIZATION, String.format("Bearer %s", token));
like image 142
fungbo Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 13:10
