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New posts in spring-messaging

How to reply to unauthenticated user in Spring 4 STOMP over WebSocket configuration?

Send STOMP ERROR from Spring Websocket program

Spring web socket messaging - subscribe and send initial message

Change websocket scope (from application to session/view)

How to receive GenericMessage with Object payload instead of string from MessageCollector

Sending Error message in Spring websockets

Why does STOMP functionality in spring-websocket depend on Spring MVC?

java.lang.IllegalStateException: A SockJsMessageCodec is required but not available:

How to globally handle Spring WebSockets/Spring Messaging exception?

NoClassDefFoundError: DefaultLifecycleProcessor$1 when undeplying spring-messaging application

Why is SimpUserRegistry not working properly on EC2 Instance

Prevent spring-cloud-aws-messaging from trying to stop the queue

Check auth while sending a message to a specific user by using STOMP and WebSocket in Spring

How to send ERROR message to STOMP clients with Spring WebSocket?

How to get/set the principal and session attributes from Spring 4 stomp websocket methods