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Why do my rspec tests run slower in Ruby 1.9.2 than 1.8.7?

How to use Rails.vim and spork?

ruby-on-rails vim rspec spork

cucumber working fine without spork, but spork giving me "uninitialized constant Cucumber::Rails"

Why does guard start spork both for rspec and cucumber even if I wanted to start it only for rspec using groups?

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How do you get cucumber/guard to filter on tags like @wip?

cucumber spork guard

(Rails) PaperTrail and RSpec

Superclass mismatch, Struct, reloading and Spork

ruby class inheritance spork

Rspec extremely slow

Rails project using spork - always have to use spork?

ruby-on-rails ruby rspec spork

How to include routing in ApplicationHelper Spec when running trough Spork?

SQLite3::SQLException when using database_cleaner with Rails / Spork / RSpec

Silence Rails schema load for spork

Guard + spork + Rspec issue - How do I remove hooks to Test::Unit?

Spork won't reload file in lib

ruby-on-rails ruby rspec spork

Spork, RSpec and database_cleaner destroying development database

How do I make sure the helpers and models reload in RSpec when I'm using Spork?

SimpleCov reports not generating in Rails 3 app after running RSpec tests with Spork

Rails, Spork and debugger

Rack::Test resulting in ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch

ruby-on-rails rspec spork

Rspec Still Slow On Windows Even With Spork

ruby-on-rails rspec spork