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New posts in splat

Why do Ruby procs/blocks with splat arguments behave differently than methods and lambdas?

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Ruby, Source Code of Splat?

ruby splat

Parentheses in block variables

What does the syntax [*a..b] mean in Ruby?

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CoffeeScript: Expand array in function call

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Do Python's `*` and `**` specifiers have a name? [duplicate]

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Double-splat operator destructively modifies hash – is this a Ruby bug?

Best way to document "splatted" parameter with YARD? [closed]

Understanding ruby splat in ranges and arrays

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Unroll / splat arguments in common lisp

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How to define a method in ruby using splat and an optional hash at the same time? [duplicate]

Explanation of splat

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Splat on a hash

ruby hash ruby-1.9 null splat

Why invoke "apply" instead of calling function directly?

javascript splat

What is the difference between these two Ruby symbols?

ruby symbols objectid splat

How to pass the 'argument-line' of one PowerShell function to another?

How to set a default value for a splat argument in Ruby

ruby splat

What does *:: (asterisk double colon) do in Ruby?

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Is there a splat operator (or equivalent) in Matlab?

Does Haskell have a splat operator like Python and Ruby?

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