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Does Haskell have a splat operator like Python and Ruby?

In Python and Ruby (and others as well, I'm sure). you can prefix an enumerable with * ("splat") to use it as an argument list. For instance, in Python:

>>> def foo(a,b): return a + b
>>> foo(1,2)
>>> tup = (1,2)
>>> foo(*tup)

Is there something similar in Haskell? I assume it wouldn't work on lists due to their arbitrary length, but I feel that with tuples it ought to work. Here's an example of what I'd like:

ghci> let f a b = a + b
ghci> :t f
f :: Num a => a -> a -> a
ghci> f 1 2
ghci> let tuple = (1,2)

I'm looking for an operator (or function) that allows me to do:

ghci> f `op` tuple

I have seen (<*>) being called "splat", but it doesn't seem to be referring to the same thing as splat in other languages. I tried it anyway:

ghci> import Control.Applicative
ghci> f <*> tuple

    Couldn't match expected type `b0 -> b0'
                with actual type `(Integer, Integer)'
    In the second argument of `(<*>)', namely `tuple'
    In the expression: f <*> tuple
    In an equation for `it': it = f <*> tuple
like image 251
gfxmonk Avatar asked Aug 14 '11 01:08


People also ask

What is the double Splat operator in Ruby?

The double splat operator came out back in Ruby 2.0. It’s pretty similar to the original splat with one difference: it can be used for hashes! Here’s an example for the most basic use of a double splat. I hope you can see that the possibilities are pretty endless with using these two together.

What is a splat operator in Python?

But the main idea is that whenever you don’t want to specify the number of arguments you have, you would use a splat operator. The simplest example would be something like this:

When to use a splat in a method?

The main thing to keep in mind is that you use splats as a parameter in a method when you are unsure of how many arguments that method will be using. Lastly, I made a little function that shows how you can filter out any argument that is not a key value pair using both a single splat and double splat.

2 Answers

Yes, you can apply functions to tuples, using the tuple package. Check out, in particular, the uncurryN function, which handles up to 32-tuples:

Prelude Data.Tuple.Curry> (+) `uncurryN` (1, 2)
like image 78
Daniel Wagner Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10

Daniel Wagner

The uncurry function turns a function on two arguments into a function on a tuple. Lists would not work in general because of their requirement for homogeneity.

like image 38
Chuck Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
