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New posts in matrix-indexing

Access matrix value using a vector of coordinates?

how to extract a zero-dimensional slice from a 1-dimensional array in numpy

Vectorizing addition of subarray

Finding index of element matching condition of matrix - Matlab

Matlab Convert Vector to Binary Matrix [duplicate]

Splitting a vector into groups of a predefined size

Numpy 3d array indexing

Extract several columns from 3d matrix

Cannot assign values to numpy array using 3D masking and indexing

Linear index of the maximum of a multi-dimensional matrix - MATLAB

Using a colon for indexing in matrices of unknown dimensions

Summing array by indices from another cell array

Efficient method for finding elements in MATLAB matrix

matlab find matrix-indexing

R indexing arrays. How to index 3 dimensional array by using a matrix for the 3rd dimension

Indexing of 2D array in matlab

Create indexing array with 'end' before vector exists

Indexing in Theano

theano matrix-indexing

Elegant way of adding columns on a specific position in a data frame

Getting a grid of a matrix via logical indexing in Numpy

How do I use a different index for each row in a numpy array?