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New posts in specification-pattern

Specification inside LINQ with EF 4.3

Using eager loading with specification pattern

Linq: how to use specifications against associated objects

Serialize specification pattern to database

c# specification-pattern

Repository and Specification pattern

Specification pattern vs Extension method?

Use QueryHint when using JpaSpecificationExecutor

Specification pattern async

Comparison of Specification Pattern, Func<T,bool> Predicates and Pipes & Filters

Is the Specification Pattern obsolete when you can use Dynamic LINQ?

Is it ok to call specifications from an aggregate factory for validation, or does that validation call belong in a unit test (DDD)?

Specification pattern with entity framework and using orderby and skip/take

In which layer should Specification Pattern objects be "new'ed up"?

Is Specification Pattern Pointless?

Regarding Promises/A+ Specification, what is the difference between the terms "thenable" and "promise"?

Design Pattern to implement Business Rules with hundreds of if else in java

Well designed query commands and/or specifications

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method