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New posts in spark-streaming

Parsing json in spark-streaming

Is it possible to implement a reliable receiver which supports non-graceful shutdown?

Custom source/sink configurations not getting recognized

Spark-Streaming from an Actor

how to calculate aggregations on a window when sensor readings are not sent if they haven't changed since last event?

Spark Streaming with a dynamic lookup table

How to stop gracefully a Spark Streaming application on YARN?

Sending Spark streaming metrics to open tsdb

When are Spark RDD blocks created and destroyed/removed?

Combine results from batch RDD with streaming RDD in Apache Spark

real time log processing using apache spark streaming

Share config files with spark-submit in cluster mode

What is the difference between Spark Structured Streaming and DStreams?

Using a text file as Spark streaming source for testing purpose

testing spark-streaming

Spark - Checkpointing implication on performance

Reading Avro messages from Kafka with Spark 2.0.2 (structured streaming)

Difference between batch interval, sliding interval and window size in spark streaming

Could not parse Master URL: 'spark:http://localhost:18080'

spark-streaming and connection pool implementation