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New posts in spark-streaming

Amazon EMR and Spark streaming

Best approach to check if Spark streaming jobs are hanging

Spark Structured Streaming with Kafka doesn't honor startingOffset="earliest"

The group member's supported protocols are incompatible with those of existing members

HashMap as a Broadcast Variable in Spark Streaming?

Permission denied: user=zeppelin while using %spark.pyspark interpreter in AWS EMR cluster

UDF cause warning: CachedKafkaConsumer is not running in UninterruptibleThread (KAFKA-1894)

Uncaught Exception Handling in Spark

Is there a way to dynamically stop Spark Structured Streaming?

Spark Streaming: StreamingContext doesn't read data files

scala spark-streaming

Limit kafka batch size when using Spark Structured Streaming

Spark streaming data sharing between batches

spark-redshift takes a lot of time to write to redshift

Spark Streaming: How to periodically refresh cached RDD?

spark streaming throughput monitoring

how to properly use pyspark to send data to kafka broker?

Spark mapWithState API explanation

How to convert JavaPairInputDStream into DataSet/DataFrame in Spark

Spark streaming job fails after getting stopped by Driver