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New posts in software-distribution

Deploying Node.js and Node.js application to Raspberry Pi

How to create cross platform executables for JDK9 application using JLink command

How to distribute a Mac OS X with dependent libraries?

Is it safe to package C++11 software on current Linux distributions?

iOS Question. Can I distribute the Xcode simulator versions of my app?

How to organize Python modules for PyPI to support 2.x and 3.x

Gradle Distribution Task Output Files Not at Root of ZIP

Options for distribution of an offline Ruby on Rails application

Shared library dependencies with distutils

What are the advantages of packaging your python library/application as an .egg file?

setup_requires with Cython?

Why is there no spring-asm-3.2.4.RELEASE jar?

iOS 4: wireless app distribution for in-house applications [closed]

What’s the best way to distribute a binary application for Linux?

Packaging Java apps for the Windows/Linux desktop

How can I make my ad hoc iPhone application's icon show up in iTunes?

When and when-not to install into the GAC?

Embed a JRE in a Windows executable?

Process to convert simple Python script into Windows executable [duplicate]

How do you protect your software from illegal distribution? [closed]