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New posts in shared-memory

communicating between processes with shared-memory results zero-copy?

How can I use shared memory in nodejs program?

node.js shared-memory

pyspark Do python processes on an executor node share broadcast variables in ram?

Boost::Interprocess Shared Memory Bus Error

ftruncate not working on POSIX shared memory in Mac OS X

c linux macos shared-memory

Is it safe to feed unaligned buffers to MTLBuffer?

Why use SysV or POSIX shared memory vs mmap()?

macos unix shared-memory

R and shared memory for parallel::mclapply

macos r shared-memory

Shared memory in mpi4py

can I over run the tmpfs size

linux shared-memory

Can I pass an object to another process just passing its' pointer to a shared memory?

c++ ipc shared-memory

How to resize /dev/shm?

linux shared-memory

looking for Windows RAM-based shared memory solution in C++

c++ windows shared-memory

How can I store data in RAM memory using PHP?

php memcached shared-memory

C# Memory Mapped File doesn't take up physical memory space

c# shared-memory mmf

Is there a better way to check for the existence of a boost shared memory segment?

c++ boost shared-memory

How do I access memory from one program in another

c macos unix shared-memory

Using memory maps with a service

What is the /dev/shm equivalence in Windows System?

Non-Boost STL allocator for inter-process shared memory?