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New posts in shared-libraries

How to get a list of paths in /etc/ld.so.conf on Linux

Creating symlinks when packaging a Library (Debian)?

compile C++ header-only templates to a shared library

LD_LIBRARY_PATH ignored on Android sometimes

'Failed to load the JNI shared library "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\client\jvm.dll" '

Undefined modules when switching to a newer version of android ndk

ld: file not found: /usr/lib/crt1.o

Linux Shared Libraries c++

UnsatisfiedLinkError When Loading a Library from Java in MATLAB

Advice for keeping large C++ project modular? [closed]

Error while loading shared library: libconfig++.so.9

linux shared-libraries

Eclipse CDT, build both static lib and shared lib

how to get the actual address of `func` from `callq func@PLT`

what is a header only library [duplicate]

dlopen doesn't respect `RTLD_LOCAL`?

Linking shared library absolute vs. relative path

Question on DLL Exporting/Importing and Extern on Windows

c++ dll shared-libraries

Passing pointer argument in MATLAB to a C-DLL function foo(char**)

Binary compatibility over what range of machines?

Returning `const char*` from native code and getting `String` in java