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New posts in setuptools

Pypi: Not allowed to store or edit package information

Difference between prune and recursive-exclude in setuptools?

How do tell setuptools to get my package from src/mypackage

python setuptools setup.py

easy_install with pypy while Python is installed

Is it safe to call `setup()` multiple times in a single `setup.py`?

install_requires in setup.py depending on installed Python version [duplicate]

python setuptools

Parse setup.py without setuptools

windows Pycharm project interpreter nothing to show

pip pycharm setuptools

How can I make this long_description and README differ by a couple of sentences?

Python: If there are multiple egg versions of the same package installed, how do I import specifically the version I need?

easy_install.exe Permission Denied on Windows 8

Why does my installed app handle pkg_resources.iter_entry_points differently than in source?

What's the pythonic way to package a web app with a generation step?

Custom code on pip uninstall

python pip setuptools setup.py

Running Django test with setup.py test and tox

Can I specify PyPI server information such as username and password on the command line instead of using .pypirc?

python setuptools pypi