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New posts in setup.py

How to install python binding of a C++ library

python setup.py fails on osx with ssl error

python macos ssl setup.py

How to run a script when a user uninstalls my package with pip?

Cythonize but not compile .pyx files using setup.py

Installing python package from git at tag with setup.py

Python's setup.py: how to install different files for different platforms

Running `chmod` after installing a package using `setup.py`

Providing pytz version in setup.py requirements

python distutils setup.py pytz

How to Install pre-requisites with setup.py

python distutils setup.py

Negative extra_requires in Python setup.py

Can e.g. pip list the options for extras_require?

python pip setup.py

Specify Python 2.7+ and Python 3.xx (any) in ``setup.py''

python version setup.py

How to access text file in project root from python package under `src/` directory

Cross-platform support for `data_files` with `setup.py` + `pip`

python pip setup.py

python - setup.py copy file to certain location

python distutils setup.py

Print path of output from python setup.py sdist

python distutils setup.py

Use another site-packages directory by default for setup.py install

Python3 shared extension doesn't link against library dependency

python setup.py distutils

Numpy setup error : extra formal argument

Any python function to get "data_files" root directory?

python setup.py