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New posts in sed

Extract json value with sed

json regex sed

Add at the end of the line with sed

bash sed

Using sed to remove all console.log from javascript file

regex bash sed

Sed on AIX does not recognize -i flag

sed aix

add line to a file ONLY if it is not in file already [duplicate]

linux sed grep

How can I find unique characters per line of input?

bash awk sed grep

Running sed on string, benefit of using "echo" + "pipe" over "<<<" [duplicate]

bash sed io

how to merge next line to current line by keeping the next line

awk sed vi

Match only the first paragraph using bash

regex bash awk sed grep

Using sed to search and replace an ip address in a file

regex bash shell sed ip

What is wrong with this git smudge/clean filter?

git filter sed gitattributes

Delete lines before and after a match in bash (with sed or awk)?

shell sed awk

Grab nth occurrence in between two patterns using awk or sed

shell sed awk

Hex codes in sed - not behaving as expected on OSX

macos sed hex

Sed to replace lower case string between two strings to upper case

regex bash sed

Filling empty fields

excel bash perl awk sed

What is the difference between `sed -i -e` and `sed -ie`?

bash unix sed

How to increment the last number in a string; bash

bash perl awk sed

How to join first n lines in a file

regex linux sed awk

How can I script file generation from a template using bash?

bash sed awk printf