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New posts in sed

sed error: unterminated 's' command

unix sed

vi keep only first 10 characters of a column

vim awk sed

How do I delete a matching line and the previous one?

unix sed grep pattern-matching

Backreferences in sed returning wrong value

regex macos sed

Get N'th line of multiple files in linux

linux csv awk sed echo

Sed in place edit

bash sed

How to delete the line that matches a pattern and the line after it with sed?

linux unix sed

insert text with sed on the same line that pattern search


bash substitute first character in every line

bash sed

Sed Insert Multiple Lines

shell sed

select multiple lines using the linux command sed

linux shell sed awk

How to remove CTRL-A characters from file using SED?

regex unix sed

Replace Column if equal to a specific value

linux unix awk sed

sed- delete line that doesn't contain a pattern

bash sed

how to use sed from a tcl file

unix sed exec tcl

How do I properly match Regular Expressions?

regex sed pattern-matching

How To Delete First X Lines Based On Minimum Lines In File

linux bash unix awk sed

awk, sed: one liner command for removing spaces from _all_ file names in a given folder?

sed awk command

Pipe sed to diff

macos sed diff pipe

Replace delimited block of text in file with the contents of another file

bash shell scripting sed awk