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New posts in sed

Is sed with multiple expressions the same as one expression with semi-colons?


How can one replace a part of a line with sed?

regex bash sed

Higher-level, semantic search-and-replace in Java code from command-line

sed replace line with capture groups


What does this mean in Linux sed '$a\' a.txt

linux shell sed

Insert multiple lines stored in a variable using sed in a file

linux sed in-place

how to use sed delete Unicode in some range?

regex unicode sed

How do I find and replace string of # (pound) characters in vim?

vim sed

How can I remove the stop words from sentence using shell script? [duplicate]

bash shell sed tr

Using sed to print range when pattern is inside the range?

linux command-line sed

Find and replace in text file with terminal. How to escape all the characters?

put all separate paragraphs of a file into a separate line

perl sed text-manipulation

tr command not able to direct the Output?

linux sed tr

Backward search and replace using sed

regex perl sed

Find and replace pattern of fileA in fileC by fileB pattern

bash replace sed awk

Trying to remove non-printable characters (junk values) from a UNIX file

sed: How to delete lines matching a pattern that contains forward slashes?

linux bash sed

Removing Carriage return on Mac OS X using sed

Why do alternate delimiters not work with sed -e '/pattern/s/a/b/'? [duplicate]


How to reverse a list of words in a shell string?

linux shell awk sed ash