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How to make a return from a child function cause a return to the parent function?

linux bash shell ash

How to know the parent process if the child is launched in background and the parent is already exited

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Check if a function exists before executing it in shell

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How to match regexp with ash?

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How to keep program running in background in ash shell

How to use array in ash?


How to run a script in background (linux openwrt)?

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How to separate fields with pipe character delimiter

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How POSIX compliant is "/path/file/.."?

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Android adb shell - ash or ksh?

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Docker Alpine linux running 2 programs

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how to replace "/" in a POSIX sh string

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How does one reboot from an ash shell? [closed]

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How to reverse a list of words in a shell string?

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How to add a new line in the bash string? [duplicate]

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How to get /etc/profile to run automatically in Alpine / Docker

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does linux shell support list data structure?

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What do $? $0 $1 $2 mean in shell script? [duplicate]

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