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How to match regexp with ash?





Following code works for bash but now i need it for busybox ash , which apparrently does not have "=~"

keyword="^Cookie: (.*)$"
if [[ $line =~ $keyword ]]
bla bla

Is there a suitable replacement ?

Sorry if this is SuperUser question, could not decide.

Edit: There is also no grep,sed,awk etc. I need pure ash.

like image 525
user3155036 Avatar asked Jan 09 '14 02:01


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3 Answers

For this particular regex you might get away with a parameter expansion hack:

if [ "$line" = "Cookie: ${line#Cookie: }" ]; then
    echo a

Or a pattern matching notation + case hack:

case "$line" in
    "Cookie: "*)
        echo a

However those solutions are strictly less powerful than regexes because they have no real Kleene star * (only .*) and you should really get some more powerful tools (a real programming language like Python?) installed on that system or you will suffer.

Busybox comes with an expr applet which can do regex matching (anchored to the beginning of a string). If the regex matches, its return code will be 0. Example:

 # expr "abc" : "[ab]*"
 # echo $?
 # expr "abc" : "[d]*"
 # echo $?
like image 37
Alex D Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10

Alex D

What worked for me was using Busy Box's implementations for grep and wc:

MATCHES=`echo "$BRANCH" | grep -iE '^(master|release)' | wc -l`
if [ $MATCHES -eq 0 ]; then
 echo 'Not on master or release branch'
like image 3
Richard Nienaber Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 06:10

Richard Nienaber