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New posts in scripting

Running stand-alone groovy script from netbeans

scripting netbeans groovy

Writing an extremely simple parser

Scripting Git Commands in Windows

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Accessing Local Variables Inside a Python Generator

Lua co-routines

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Render scripts for use in Partial View?

asp.net-mvc scripting views

PowerShell - Respond to a Command response

Is there a way to list all the cached scripts in redis?

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JRuby and Java objects

Java + Scripting languages (JSR 223)

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GIMP - Scripting a canvas resize

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JSR-223 vs JSR-241 - Scripting language

Generate shell script call tree

create a Scala script file in Eclipse

eclipse scala scripting

Debugging Groovy scripts running in a ScriptEngine from Eclipse

Display a drop-down/combo box in VB Script

How to display different messages on whiptail progress bar along with progress bar?

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JavaScript version used by the Windows Scripting Host

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Run a script when either locking or unlocking Windows XP

windows hook locking scripting

Do Lua variables lose their value between script calls?

scripting variables lua