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How to run VBScript in Windows NT 4?

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check if a registry key exists with WScript

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Automatically close MsgBox in vbscript?

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How to show a popup without a browser

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execute WshShell command from a batch script

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How do I get a list of the active IP-addresses, MAC-addresses and NetBIOS names on the LAN?

How can I edit the SOAP envelope and header with Perl's SOAP::Lite?

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How can I package an "external" text file into an elisp module?

Internet Shortcut IDList value decoding

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Real time console output from WScript.Shell Exec

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How to pass a command with spaces and quotes as a single parameter to CScript?

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Excel VBA error using WScript.Shell.Run

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Write to file using CopyHere without using WScript.Sleep

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VBScript set focus on a window in IE

Debugging Javascript in Visual Studio (or other JS debugger)

JScript: how to run external command and get output?

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What is the ProgId or CLSID for IE9's Javascript engine (code-named "Chakra")