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Save as on multiple files at once (GIMP)

image png gimp xcf

Run gimp from console

windows gimp

Exporting Gimp Gradient file


How do I convert images (PSD, AI and EPS) to PDF?

How to capture an image of an HTML element, and maintain transparency?

html image transparency gimp

Export all SVG paths with Gimp Python plugin

python svg gimp gimpfu

Create a Wacom-like Linux uinput device for work with touchscreen and pen

linux gimp input-devices

GIMP Python-fu exporting file only exports transparent layer

Python: invert image with transparent background (PIL, Gimp,...)

GIMP Python-fu nested group layers

gimp python-fu

String Replace in Gimp Script Fu

use gimp color-to-alpha script in a shell script

macos shell gimp

Writing a basic PostScript script by hand

Get sublayers from group layer with Python in Gimp

python layer gimp xcf python-fu

Python-fu/gimpfu parameters - What does "image" mean?

gimp gimpfu python-fu

How to debug script-fu scripts for gimp in scheme?

How to quickly know layer dimensions in Gimp?

layer dimensions gimp

How to run python scripts using gimpfu from command line?

python gimp gimpfu

Converting XCF and other files using command line with GIMP?

Calculate colour temperature in K

php c colors gimp