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Can you translate these 2 examples from Functional Languages 101 ? (Scheme -> Clojure)

clojure scheme

Why is this legal (racket) scheme?

syntax scheme racket htdp

Sorting algorithm lisp-scheme

sorting lisp scheme

While Loop Macro in DrRacket

macros scheme racket

Scheme/Racket - Macro to change order of procedure an arguments

macros scheme racket

Sequential procedures in Lisp

How to run a Racket program without output being quoted?

Why is it possible to use unquote-splicing on a non-list at the end of a quasiquoted list?

Summation in functional programming

Scheme: Constant Access to the End of a List?

good style in lisp: cons vs list

lisp scheme common-lisp

Scheme: What is the difference between define and let when used with continutation

scheme racket continuations

Reversing an integer

scheme racket

Learn Macros in Scheme from On Lisp [closed]

String-append not working; keeps overwriting previous strings

string lisp scheme append

Racket mutable variables

How do I handle a variable number of arguments passed to a function in Racket?

Time complexity of Prolog better than naive brute force?

c prolog scheme

How do I write Push and Pop in Scheme?

lisp scheme racket

Flatten a list using only the forms in "The Little Schemer"

scheme the-little-schemer