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Is everything a list in scheme?

Spread a list into parent sexp

lisp scheme common-lisp

Racket/Scheme Flatten Explanations

why (* 1.1 1.1) is 1.2100000000000002 in racket? [duplicate]

scheme racket

what is apostrophe type in scheme

scheme lisp

How does Racket handle (define (f (x y)) body)?

scheme lisp racket

Implement yield and send in Scheme

Why is it legal in a function definition to make self-call but illegal for a value?

Scheme Racket Calculate Max Element in List Infinite Loop

scheme racket

Understanding fold-left and fold-right in Scheme

Racket URL Dispatch Rules

scheme lisp racket

Trying out the examples from the "The Little Schemer" book in Windows

lisp scheme

set! global from Scheme macro?

macros lisp scheme racket

How to apply a function in Scheme to a list of arguments returned by another function?

list function scheme call

Static variables in Scheme/Racket?

Tail call optimization in Racket

Scheme - Convert boolean to string?

scheme boolean racket

Using 'define' in Scheme

scheme definition

Racket and unbound identifier in lambda expression, contrast with r5rs

lambda scheme racket r5rs

How Scheme evaluates the man or boy test?