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New posts in scala

Keep session in subsequent Java calls to Play 2.0's fakeRequest

How to loop over the flash elements in a scala template?

How to reference scala Enumeration from other package

scala playframework-2.0

Scala: where to put the @unchecked annotation in a foreach

scala foreach unchecked

Serving static /public/ file from Play 2 Scala controller

scala playframework-2.0

Scala - understanding a code snippet involving currying


@tailrec error "recursive call targetting a supertype"


Play! framework with missing type Promise

scala playframework-2.0

Scala pattern matching option None with or without binding

scala pattern-matching

In Scala is it possible to reference the object being copied in the copy statement


How to pattern match abstract parent classes in a inheritance tree

overriding method read in trait Reads.

json scala

Explain a scala class and objects?


Play Framework 2 only recompiles at first request

scala playframework

resolvers not shared to dependent sbt projects?

Using "if" as an expression


Recursively building a list of lists


Force Scala trait to implement a certain method

scala mixins traits

Appending tuple to a buffer in Scala

scala scala-collections

reducing an Array of Float using scala.math.max

scala scala-2.10