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New posts in scala

Doesn't (didn't) Scala have automatically generated setters?


Writing an iterator for a 2D array

arrays scala iterator

Scala - Define type for Either for compactness or write it explicitly for readability?

scala api-design either

Running Scala tests automatically either after test change or tested class change

testing scala

Can traits be used to build a game component system in Scala?

scala traits

Driving a singleton type through a brickwall

Min/MaxValue of unkwown Type

generics scala

Scala Library as an OSGi Bundle

scala osgi

What type does function has?

scala implicit-conversion

In Scala, how do I initialise abstract vals in traits?


How to create new instance of Scala class with context bound via Java reflection using only zero argument constructor?

java scala reflection

Scala immutable variables and printing

scala printing immutability

Would it be possible to have "method/field" literals comparable to the class literals in Java/Scala?

Why would Scala Range iterator buffer -- sometimes?

scala memory iterator

Finding the 'volume' of a .wav at a given time

Why do I need an explicit evidence type / why does this Scala type bound fail?


How do I deal with Scala collections generically?

scala collections

Case Classes and Pattern Matching on List

scala pattern-matching

lowercased variables in pattern matching


Structural Typing for Traversable

scala structural-typing