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New posts in scala-macros

How do I get a scala macro to replace a method call

scala scala-macros

Why was match in Scala implemented as a keyword rather than as a method?

Quasiquotes for multiple parameters and parameter lists

Is there any trick to use macros in the same file they are defined?

How do I refer to enclosing "this" in a Scala macro?

Splicing a passed function body into a macro-rewritten expression

How to access parameter list of case class in a dotty macro

Extracting and accessing fields at compile time in Scala 3

scala scala-macros scala-3

Scala quasiquote concatenation

Scala type constraint to check argument values

Scala macros and separate compilation units

Use Scala macros to generate methods

StringContext and macros: a simple example

scala scala-macros

create an ambiguous low priority implicit

How to test Scala macros?

scala scala-macros

Scala Macros: Checking for a certain annotation

How can parameters/settings be passed to a Scala macro?

scala 2.10.2 calling a 'macro method' with generic type not work

scala generics scala-macros

Is there a way to test at compile-time that a constant is a compile-time constant?

Custom Scala enum, most elegant version searched