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New posts in scala-compiler

Scala: can compiler optimize constants efficiently?

How to properly use scalac -Xlint

Java Void to Scala Unit

Obtain the symbol that a "super" call refers to in Scala

Can I inspect my scala codebase to find all warnings of type: "Comparing Unrelated types"?

scala scala-compiler

Scala compilation error: not found: type _$1

Higher kinded type constructor with upper type bounds doesn't work if bound is abstract type member

What is a ScalaSignature?

Scala compiler optimization for immutability

scala scalac scala-compiler

Why doesn't the scala compiler generate a warning on if statements that always yield false inside a pattern match?

scala scala-compiler

Pass closure to Scala compiler plugin

scala scalac scala-compiler

Why collect with pattern match cannot narrow a specific class?

How does the Scala compiler perform implicit conversion?

Cannot infer contravariant Nothing type parameter

scala scala-compiler

object scala in compiler mirror not found - running Scala compiler programmatically

scala scalac scala-compiler

create an ambiguous low priority implicit

"scala.runtime in compiler mirror not found" but working when started with -Xbootclasspath/p:scala-library.jar

What's the effect of -Yrangepos other than giving me source locations in macros

scala scala-compiler

Extracting the complete call graph of a scala project (tough one)