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New posts in scala-macros

How to generate a static member and add it to a class within a type macro?

Why does this code typecheck in Scala 2.11 and what can I do about it?

How to get the runtime value of parameter passed to a Scala macro?

macros, splice, and pattern matching

Scala constraint based types and literals

Scala recursive macro?

How to transform and apply a partial function using Scala Macros?

Scala Macros: Accessing members with quasiquotes

scala macros scala-macros

Scala Macro get value for term name

scala scala-macros

Reading resources from a macro in an SBT project

How to get Scala function's parameters / return type?

Scala macros assign param of deconstructed function

scala scala-macros

Why does type equality fail, but type conformance succeed in this macro?

scala macros scala-macros

Scala macro - Infer implicit value using `c.prefix`

scala scala-macros

Add a compile time only sub-project dependency in sbt

How to generate a class in Dotty with macro?

Scala macro to print code?

Infer a type of a tree in a scala macro

scala macros scala-macros

Scala: Code only run when debugging(#ifdef equivalent?)