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How to create a generic SBT root project with varying sub projects

scala sbt

SBT not finding scalatest for scala 2.10.1

sbt scalatest

What sbt plugins are available for frequent (multiple times per day) releases of a project from git?

Resolving Dependencies in creating JAR through SBT assembly

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sbt ignores my scaladoc settings

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adding task to sbt 13.x build.sbt

scala sbt

How to conditionally invoke a task in sbt?

scala sbt

Intellij and sbt 0.13.5 "URI has an authority component"

sbt and scala.js (with Node.js) can't run with a local .js dependency due to "TypeError: undefined is not a function"

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spark-shell dependencies, translate from sbt

waiting for lock on .ivy2

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SBT: how to use scala 2.11 libraries in scala 2.12 project

scala sbt

running sbt command on the meta-build level

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Breaking out of Play 'run' in IntelliJ sbt shell

Getting an "Error while reading the sourcefile!" error from Jenkins jacoco plugin

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How to modify jar name generate by cmd sbt package

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sbt compile play framework application error

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Is there a Python-ealy way to run Scala scripts with dependencies?

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What frameworks to use to bootstrap my first production scala project?

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Excluding a ScalaTest test when calling my tests from within sbt

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