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sbt is using "default" project instead of creating a new one

Strange issue with SBT, println, and scala console application

Running `play test` on OSX causes a java app to appear in the dock

Run Play project from sbt

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SBT Specify java heap size in Build.scala

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How to suppress Warning by sbt compile

Can't find spark-hbase mvn dependency

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sbt: cyclic dependence between modules?

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Why does sbt report "Error: Could not retrieve sbt 0.13.11"?

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Sbt native packager not finding SystemdPlugin

Redefine an sbt task conditional on a setting

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Intellij - Send arguments using SBT plugin

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How to import package into Scala REPL?

clusterSettings is not a member of com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder

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org.scala-sbt#sbt;${{sbt.version}}: not found on existing project

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resolvers not shared to dependent sbt projects?

Why doesn't my sbt project dependency work? (insists on trying to fetch it remotely)

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How to keep library dependencies updated to Scala version?


How to publish Play's "dist" zip file to remote Maven repository?

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