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New posts in sbt

sbt : Is there a better way of structuring large build.sbt files

scala build sbt

Is it possible to reject publish if SNAPSHOT dependencies are used in SBT?

How to configure sonatype nexus to allow sbt plugins?

sbt nexus sbt-plugin

Access object both from build.sbt and application code

scala sbt

How to fix "InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty" in scala's build tool (sbt)?

Setting javac options for SBT dependencies

scala sbt javac

How to set dependency as runtime in SBT (to mimic runtime scope in Maven)?


How to import Play framework as a dependency in Scala project

Sbt/Activator not running all tests in Play2 java project

Error installing sbt on Ubuntu 18.04: `gpg: keyserver receive failed: Invalid argument` [closed]

scala build server sbt

How do i change the Scala version that sbt works with?

scala sbt

java.io.IOException when running sbt from ensime?

scala sbt ensime

Play - How to use different configuration files for Dev/Prod?

Scala value not found

class scala sbt

In Play 2 Framework , how can I include git commit sha in sbt dist package name?

scala playframework-2.0 sbt

Is there a way to deploy to Elastic Beanstalk if you are not using git?

SBT-like features in the Haskell build ecosystem

scala haskell sbt cabal

Any IDE supporting SBT?

scala plugins ide sbt

Using sbt-native-packager, how can I simply prepend a directory to my bash script's ${app_classpath}?

Creating Spark application using wrong Scala version

scala apache-spark sbt