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New posts in sapply

return multiple values from sapply/lapply

r lapply sapply

How to rewrite a "sapply" command to increase performance?

performance r plyr sapply

Evaluate many functions using one data in R

r function apply evaluate sapply

Geographical distance by group - Applying a function on each pair of rows

Sum elements across a list of data.frames

r list sum lapply sapply

R: Remove nested for loops in order to make a custom bootstrap more efficient

How to get the last element in a list in R

r list sapply

what is `[[` looking for in this sapply example?

r sapply

when the iterable is NOT the first argument of the function

r apply sapply

R Subsetting vector with logical matrix

r list subset apply sapply

Means multiple columns by multiple groups [duplicate]

r dplyr sapply dcast

read.xls - read in variable-length list of sheets, with their names

r vectorization xls gdata sapply

compare adjacent elements of the same vector (avoiding loops)

Access previous elements in lapply/sapply

r lapply sapply

Speeding up function that uses which within a sapply call in R

r sapply

apply multiple functions in sapply

r sapply

Using sapply on vector of POSIXct

r posixct sapply

R: fastest way to check presence of each element of a vector in each of the columns of a matrix

r matrix apply rcpp sapply

sapply with custom function (series of if statements)

r apply lapply sapply