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New posts in rvo

How is moving a const returned object possible?

Is RVO applied on this situation?

c++ c++11 rvo nrvo

Does C++11 guarantee the local variable in a return statement will be moved rather than copied?

Move constructor for returned objects breaks C++98 code?

c++ c++11 gcc rvo

Timing of scope-based lock guards and return values

c++ scope rvo

C++ universal reference in constructor and return value optimization (rvo)

When should I choose copy elision over passing argument by const reference? [duplicate]

c++ c++11 lvalue rvalue rvo

How does C++ ABI deal with RVO and NRVO?

c++ abi rvo nrvo

Will RVO happen when returning std::pair?

c++ c++11 std-pair rvo nrvo

Can a virtual function be a candidate to RVO (return value optimization)?

c++ virtual move rvo

RVO with a standard layout struct without any constructors

c++ c++11 rvo

Is RVO allowed when a copy constructor is private and not implemented?

c++ copy-constructor rvo

g++: How RVO works in case that multiple translation units are involved

c++ g++ rvo

why C++ destuctor affect the behavior of return value optimization

c++ destructor rvo

Why do I not get guaranteed copy elision with std::tuple?

C++ return value optimization, multiple unnamed returns

c++ rvo

Expensive to move types

c++ rvo

Returning member unique_ptr from class method

c++ c++11 smart-pointers rvo

Why are the RVO requirements so restrictive?