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Calculate average number of days between datetimes in Ruby

Ruby method call with a symbol parameter with no space


regex: question mark followed by colon as an alternative

ruby regex cucumber

How to set the color of a horizontal line in Prawn?

exec command unless directory exists in puppet

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Ignore folder when build using Middleman App

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and return at the end of a method

ruby-on-rails ruby

Show Paperclip image in a column Active Admin

Yield within Set to eliminate in an Array

ruby arrays set yield

Resizing Animated GIF images with ruby?

Automatically Run Command Upon Opening Terminal (Linux Mint 16)

ruby redis client scan vs keys

ruby redis

ruby net-sftp read file line by line

Rails Ruby array of hashes merged by key to average value

ruby-on-rails ruby arrays hash

Create a symbol with brackets in ruby


Clear database after testing a rake task using RSpec

In rails, does a method called in the before filter of a controller run for every action?

Rails factory_girl create_list builds the same object

Sass::SyntaxError: File to import not found or unreadable: compass in production

Why are Ruby #hash methods randomized?
