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New posts in ruby-on-rails-4

How to create and use a global variable like current_user (devise) in Rails?

Friendly_id change slug on Record Update

Rails rescue_from stops execution flow

Validates numericality only if presence (if user fill it), doesn't work

Create / Rename a tempfile in rails using open() method

How to log in/out users with Devise in Rails4 testing

Thread running in Middleware is using old version of parent's instance variable

Using Less files in Rails

How to drop all schemas in PostgreSQL with SQL query?

Structuring a Rails and Angular app

ActiveAdmin Batch Action Dynamic Form

Rendering partials in haml and passing variable to it

Javascript in Assets not working after Rendering Partial in js.erb Ruby on Rails

Errno::EACCES (Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir

How to pass current_user to Sidekiq's Worker

Same Model for Two belongs_to Associations migration

How to pass extra parameter in rails form_for

How to build a route that has a `#` in it?

Rails increment login counter

Rails: Association between Category, Subcategory, and Lawyer