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Rails 4 ActiveRecord Querying Between Times

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"undefined method 'becomes' for nil:NilClass" where it shouldn't

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Sidekiq is not releasing the memory after finishing the job

Rails 4 - saving object with nested attributes


couldn't find file 'dataTables/jquery.dataTables' Rails 4

Update route in rails doesn't respond well to after_action?

Paperclip's content_type is invalid according to app, but isn't

Rails, DRY default validator for string length?

Ruby replacing entire file instead of appending to it

Building a Rails scope using `tap`

How to organize controller directory in rails 4 without messing up routes

Skip Checkout Step but make associations

Stack level too deep

Counting page views using “impressionist” gem Ruby on Rails

Setting up Facets in Elasticsearch with Searchkick gem in Rails 4.1

Rails Heroku - unable to git push heroku master - i18n issue

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Rails - how to find all rows where a certain column value is nil with where()

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Rails jQuery POST - ArgumentError - wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)?

ActiveAdmin can't find jquery.ui.datepicker

How can I run a controller concern method from the console?