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Javascript in Assets not working after Rendering Partial in js.erb Ruby on Rails

Question similar to mine are asked before but here the scenario is bit different - I have a js.erb file in which I'm publishing using (private_pub) a partial like below

<% publish_to "/conversation/update_waiter" do %>
   $("#online_waiters").replace_html('<%= j(render :partial => "/restaurants/online_waiters")%>');     
<% end %>

the partial is rendered on all users wall successfully and no extra or duplicate divs are generated . But on click function (which is an anchor in newly rendered partial) stops working . While its functionality is defined in /assets/js . Now after showing that partial on users if i refresh the page , then the same partial which is displayed due to my cookies , works fine . Any help or idea will be appreciated

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Mani Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 00:03


1 Answers

Attach the click handler to a parent element of the generated elements and it will work on all generated elements from partials.

Say you have a div with class content which contains all your html.

$(".content").on("click", "#anchor_one", function(e) {

Or attach it to the document

$(document).on("click", "#anchor_one", function(e) {

Another solution is to add the handler inside your js.erb file.

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Oss Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 18:04
