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New posts in ruby-on-rails-4.2

Minitest tests fail with custom HTTP headers in Rails 4.2

How to use Rails with uppercase column name?

NameError (uninitialized constant Unzipper::Zip) but only on Heroku deploy (Rails)

Jbuilder Rails caching is slower

Custom views and assets for tenants in a multi-tenant rails app?

Scope resolution works differently in ruby when written in different ways

Share data between ActiveJob and Controller

Should I use rails 4.2 add foreign_key or not?

`@@{' is not allowed as a class variable name (SyntaxError) while using s3 gem + rails 4.1.5

Installing Rails 4.2.0.beta1 - Unresolved dependency found during sorting

How to make Rails 4.2 work with Postgres Jsonb?

Why does Rails 4.2 + responders keeps telling me to add responders to the Gemfile?

rbenv: version `2.2.3' is not installed (set by RBENV_VERSION environment variable)

Rails action Mailer raise_delivery_errors, how does it works? How to detect bounces?

Render partial to String in view helper

Attribute saved in development but not in production

What is the best way to use HTTP 2 with AWS Elastic beanstalk

Docker Container running very slow for Rails Application on development mode

rspec-rails 2.14.2 with Rails 4.2 InvalidURIError